dragondz Posté 29 Novembre 2009 Partager Posté 29 Novembre 2009 Bonjour La nouvelle de la sortie de la nouvelle version de textpattern 4.2.0 n'est pas très fraiche mais j'attendais que le nouveau site de textpattern soit mis en place et ça a été fait hier seulement. Donc pour textpattern 4.2.0 c'est arrivé le 28/08/2009 avec des changement assez intéressant mais toujours dans la continuité, on peut citer: - L'utilisation de théme pour l'admin de textpattern: pour personnaliser l'interface d'admin sans toucher au code de base de textpattern - Capacité de gestion multisite avec une seule installation (mais bdd différentes par site) - Gestion des droits pour les images et liens Ce sont les plus importantes mais le changelog complet est : * Feature: Extendable admin-side themes. "Classic" and "Remora" theme contained in the core package, user-contributed themes available from http://textgarden.org/layouts/?c=txp-admin* Feature: Capability for multi-site file system layouts (thanks: Sam Weiss) * Feature: Role-based permission checks for images, links and files * Feature: Save various pane toggle states * Feature: Store author of links and files * Feature: Automatic adjustment for DST (requires PHP 5.2+, fall back to manual adjustment for servers running older PHPs) * Feature: Timezone selector in preferences (requires PHP 5.2+, GMT-based selector as a fallback) * Feature: Default event preference setting (thanks: Mary) * Fixed: PHP 5.3 compatibility (thanks: Mary) * Fixed: When a user is deleted, reassign her assets * Fixed: Tag builders for <txp:category /> and <txp:section /> * Fixed: Bogus "Article tags cannot be used outside an article context" warning in <txp:else />-branch of <txp:if_keywords> * Fixed: Removed superflous & encoding for article titles in <txp:recent_comments /> * Fixed: <txp:expires> uses "class" and "wraptag" attributes as intended * New tag: <txp:link_id /> (thanks: Rick Siletti) * New tag: <txp:yield /> * Changed: Article timestamp is left untouched for draft, pending, or hidden articles published into the future. * Changed: <txp:file_download_list /> tag accepts a comma-separated list of file ids in a new "id" attribute (thanks: Rick Silletti) * Developer: pluggable_ui() serves as a base for custom admin-side user interface panels, see new '*_ui' events below * Developer: New events 'log_it', 'plugin_lifecycle', 'plugin_prefs', 'txp_die', 'article_ui', 'author_ui', 'category_ui', 'file_ui', 'image_ui', 'link_ui', 'prefs_ui', 'section_ui' * Developer: Per-user preferences * Developer: Increased maximum plugin code size to MEDIUMTEXT (16 MiB) * Developer: Increased maximum preferences value size to TEXT (64 KiB) * Developer: Core support for unlimited custom fields (thanks: Gerhard Lazu) * Developer: Thumbnail dimensions are stored in the image table * Developer: Sending requests to the admin-side with URL parameter "app_mode" set to "async" suppress any default admin-side output. Think AJAX. * Developer: Cached plugins are loaded in natural sort order. * Developer: Deprecated cleanfInput(), escape_output(), escape_tags(), getAtt(), gAtt(), and input() functions. These will be removed in next release. * Developer: Plugins can flag their interest in lifecycle events (install, uninstall, activate, deactivate). _AT_see http://svn.textpattern.com/development/4.x-plugin-template/ * Developer: Optional capability to jump to a plugin's options from the plugin tab. _AT_see http://svn.textpattern.com/development/4.x-plugin-template/ * jQuery 1.3.2 Et pour le nouveau look du site textpattern.com je n'ai qu'une seule chose a dire: allez le voir: Textpattern A+ Lien vers le commentaire Partager sur d’autres sites More sharing options...
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