Calli Posté 12 Septembre 2006 Posté 12 Septembre 2006 (nouveau post car nouveau code pour pas mélanger) Salut je viens de trouver un script qui permet de parser du xhtml mais les explication sont en anglais serait il possible de commenter et expliquer le script Que faut il paramettrer ou modifier pour parser la page ? <?php /** * HTML/XML Parser Class * * This is a helper class that is used to parse HTML and XML. A unique feature of this parsing class * is the fact that it includes support for innerHTML (which isn't easy to do). * * _AT_author Dennis Pallett * _AT_copyright Dennis Pallett 2006 * _AT_package HTML_Parser * _AT_version 1.0 */ // Helper Class // To parse HTML/XML Class HTML_Parser { // Private properties var $_parser; var $_tags = array(); var $_html; var $output = array(); var $strXmlData; var $_level = 0; var $_outline; var $_tagcount = array(); var $xml_error = false; var $xml_error_code; var $xml_error_string; var $xml_error_line_number; function get_html () { return $this->_html; } function parse($strInputXML) { $this->output = array(); // Translate entities $strInputXML = $this->translate_entities($strInputXML); $this->_parser = xml_parser_create (); xml_parser_set_option($this->_parser, XML_OPTION_CASE_FOLDING, true); xml_set_object($this->_parser,$this); xml_set_element_handler($this->_parser, "tagOpen", "tagClosed"); xml_set_character_data_handler($this->_parser, "tagData"); $this->strXmlData = xml_parse($this->_parser,$strInputXML ); if (!$this->strXmlData) { $this->xml_error = true; $this->xml_error_code = xml_get_error_code($this->_parser); $this->xml_error_string = xml_error_string(xml_get_error_code($this->_parser)); $this->xml_error_line_number = xml_get_current_line_number($this->_parser); return false; } return $this->output; } function tagOpen($parser, $name, $attr) { // Increase level $this->_level++; // Create tag: $newtag = $this->create_tag($name, $attr); // Build tag $tag = array("name"=>$name,"attr"=>$attr, "level"=>$this->_level); // Add tag array_push ($this->output, $tag); // Add tag to this level $this->_tags[$this->_level] = $tag; // Add to HTML $this->_html .= $newtag; // Add to outline $this->_outline .= $this->_level . $newtag; } function create_tag ($name, $attr) { // Create tag: # Begin with name $tag = '<' . strtolower($name) . ' '; # Create attribute list foreach ($attr as $key=>$val) { $tag .= strtolower($key) . '="' . htmlentities($val) . '" '; } # Finish tag $tag = trim($tag); switch(strtolower($name)) { case 'br': case 'input': $tag .= ' /'; break; } $tag .= '>'; return $tag; } function tagData($parser, $tagData) { if(trim($tagData)) { if(isset($this->output[count($this->output)-1]['tagData'])) { $this->output[count($this->output)-1]['tagData'] .= $tagData; } else { $this->output[count($this->output)-1]['tagData'] = $tagData; } } $this->_html .= htmlentities($tagData); $this->_outline .= htmlentities($tagData); } function tagClosed($parser, $name) { // Add to HTML and outline switch (strtolower($name)) { case 'br': case 'input': break; default: $this->_outline .= $this->_level . '</' . strtolower($name) . '>'; $this->_html .= '</' . strtolower($name) . '>'; } // Get tag that belongs to this end $tag = $this->_tags[$this->_level]; $tag = $this->create_tag($tag['name'], $tag['attr']); // Try to get innerHTML $regex = '%' . preg_quote($this->_level . $tag, '%') . '(.*?)' . preg_quote($this->_level . '</' . strtolower($name) . '>', '%') . '%is'; preg_match ($regex, $this->_outline, $matches); // Get innerHTML if (isset($matches['1'])) { $innerhtml = $matches['1']; } // Remove level identifiers $this->_outline = str_replace($this->_level . $tag, $tag, $this->_outline); $this->_outline = str_replace($this->_level . '</' . strtolower($name) . '>', '</' . strtolower($name) . '>', $this->_outline); // Add innerHTML if (isset($innerhtml)) { $this->output[count($this->output)-1]['innerhtml'] = $innerhtml; } // Fix tree $this->output[count($this->output)-2]['children'][] = $this->output[count($this->output)-1]; array_pop($this->output); // Decrease level $this->_level--; } function translate_entities($xmlSource, $reverse =FALSE) { static $literal2NumericEntity; if (empty($literal2NumericEntity)) { $transTbl = get_html_translation_table(HTML_ENTITIES); foreach ($transTbl as $char => $entity) { if (strpos('&"<>', $char) !== FALSE) continue; $literal2NumericEntity[$entity] = ''.ord($char).';'; } } if ($reverse) { return strtr($xmlSource, array_flip($literal2NumericEntity)); } else { return strtr($xmlSource, $literal2NumericEntity); } } } // To be used like this $parser = new HTML_Parser; $output = $parser->parse($html); print_r ($output); ?>
Anonymus Posté 13 Septembre 2006 Posté 13 Septembre 2006 La réponse se situe en fin de page : // To be used like this$parser = new HTML_Parser; $output = $parser->parse($html); print_r ($output); Utiliser comme ceci : $parser = new HTML_Parser;$output = $parser->parse($html); En passant le contenu de la page dans la variable $html, et la variable $output contiendra un tableau de ta page.
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