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phpBB 2.0.19 est dans les bacs !

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Posté (modifié)

Hello aux phpBB consumers !

phpBB Group announces the release of phpBB 2.0.19, the "we wish you all a happy new year" release. This release addresses several bugfixes and some security issues only affecting Internet Explorer. Additionally we introduced a new feature to limit the number of logins. The admin is able to configure this feature on two ways, defining the number of maximum allowed logins and setting a time period after the user is allowed to login again. With this feature we hope to address the recent dictionary attacks happening on some forums to crack user passwords.

Pour la mise à jour manuelle:

A vos editeurs ...

Modifié par adn
  • 2 semaines plus tard...

Oh oui car pour passer en 0.18 quelle merde pardonnez moi l'expression pfu

Allez en esperant que l'on en ait le moins possible

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