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  petit-ourson a dit :
As-tu contacté ton hébergeur ?


Salut Petit-Ourson :)

J'ai envoyé un message ce matin (11h58)

  mail to a dit :

I have some problems with my account since thursday: I cannot connect to my FTP account to transfer some files to my website

I usually use FileZilla but I have tried with SmartFTP today and it has given me an error too !

My website URL is:

My FTP account is:

Could you please try to fix these problems ?


P.S: Please forgive my English: I am French and 14 years old...

... Et toujours pas de réponse... :unsure::unsure:



Bonjour à tous :)

Plus la peine de chercher, j'ai été voir sur leur forum et apparement, ils sont en train de supprimer des comptes "abusifs"...

  50webs team a dit :
Dear 50Webs members,

Due to the big amount of abuse content and Password Harvesting sites hosted on 50Webs, the free hosting service will continue to work with temporary disabled FTP and File Manager access.

After we clean and block all abuse accounts...

We totally don't tolerate these users of our Free Hosting Service and we will do our best to avoid they come back again.

We would like to apologize officially to all other users affected by this and we hope that the problem will be fixed on Tuesday 26 April, when the FTP and File Manager access will be restored.

50Webs Team

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