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0 Neutre
  1. Je suis trop bête, j'avais même pas pensé à faire mon form pour essayer, je me focalisait sur le JS. Une fois le formulaire envoyer, je récupère bien ma valeur.... Merci à tous, surtout à Ernestine Mais sinon, c'est possible de récupère la value via le DOM comme je souhaitais, ou non ?
  2. Voici le code du fichier de documentation: <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" ""> <html xmlns="" xml:lang="en" lang="en"> <head> <meta http-equiv="content-language" content="en" /> <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html;charset=utf-8" /> <meta name="copyright" content="R. Schoo" /> <link rel="stylesheet" media="screen" href="styles/vlaCal-v2.1.css" type="text/css" /> <link rel="stylesheet" media="screen" href="styles/vlaCal-v2.1-adobe_cs3.css" type="text/css" /> <link rel="stylesheet" media="screen" href="styles/vlaCal-v2.1-apple_widget.css" type="text/css" /> <script type="text/javascript" src="jslib/mootools-1.2-core-compressed.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="jslib/vlaCal-v2.1-compressed.js"></script> <!-- You could also include the uncompressed versions for developing purposes: <script type="text/javascript" src="jslib/mootools-1.2-core.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="jslib/vlaCal-v2.1.js"></script>--> <title>Vista-Like Ajax Calendar version 2.1.1 - Examples</title> <style> body { cursor: default; text-align: left; font-family: calibri, arial, sans-serif; font-size: 13px; margin: 0; padding: 5px; } table th { vertical-align: top; } input { text-align: center; font-family: calibri, arial, sans-serif; font-size: 13px; background-color: white; border: 1px solid; border-color: #abadb3 #dbdfe6 #e3e9ef #e2e3ea; padding: 2px; } input:focus, input:hover { border-color: #5794bf #b7d5ea #c7e2f1 #c5daed; } .pickerImg { position: absolute; margin-left: -16px; margin-top: 5px; cursor: pointer; } .infoBox { background-color: #fefdec; border: 1px solid #edebcd; padding: 6px; margin-bottom: 20px; } </style> <script type="text/javascript"> window.addEvent('domready', function() { new vlaDatePicker('exampleI'); new vlaDatePicker('exampleII', { separator: '-', leadingZero: false, twoDigitYear: true, offset: { y: 3 }, alignX: 'center', alignY: 'bottom' }); new vlaDatePicker('exampleIII', { openWith: 'togglePicker', offset: { y: -2, x: 2 }, separateInput: { day: 'day', month: 'month', year: 'year' } }); new vlaDatePicker('exampleIV-A', { style: 'adobe_cs3', offset: { y: 1 }, format: 'm/d/y', ieTransitionColor: '' }); new vlaDatePicker('exampleIV-B', { style: 'apple_widget', offset: { x: 3, y: 1 } }); new vlaCalendar('exampleV', { startMonday: true }); new vlaDatePicker('exampleVI', { defaultView: 'year' }); new vlaDatePicker('exampleVII', { prefillDate: { day: 12, month: 12, year: 2012 } }); }); </script> </head> <body> <div class="infoBox"> <b>This example page will only work on a webserver - AJAX requests are made to PHP files.</b><br /> For documentation and more examples visit <a href=""></a>. </div> <table cellpadding="0"> <tr> <th style="width: 100px">Example I</th> <td><input id="exampleI" name="date" type="text" style="width: 80px;" maxlength="10" /></td> </tr> <tr><td></td><td>Standard datepicker.<br /><br /></td></tr> <tr> <th>Example II</th> <td><input id="exampleII" name="date" type="text" style="width: 60px;" maxlength="10" /></td> </tr> <tr><td></td><td>Datepicker with a different seperator, two digit year and without a leading zero. Datepicker is positioned center-bottom.<br /><br /></td></tr> <tr> <th>Example III</th> <td> <span id="exampleIII"> <input name="day" type="text" style="width: 18px; border-width: 1px 0 1px 1px;" maxlength="2" /><input value="/" type="text" style="width: 5px; border-width: 1px 0 1px 0;" disabled="disabled" /><input name="month" class="textbox" type="text" style="width: 16px; border-width: 1px 0 1px 0;" maxlength="2" /><input value="/" type="text" style="width: 5px; border-width: 1px 0 1px 0;" disabled="disabled" /><input name="year" type="text" style="width: 28px; border-width: 1px 0 1px 0;" maxlength="4" /><input type="text" style="width: 15px; border-width: 1px 1px 1px 0;" disabled="disabled" /><img src="images/calendar.gif" id="togglePicker" class="pickerImg" width="13px" height="12px" alt="" /> </span> </td> </tr> <tr><td></td><td>Datepicker with seperate day, month and year input. The calendar icon toggles the datepicker.<br /><br /></td></tr> <tr> <th>Example IV</th> <td><input id="exampleIV-A" name="date" type="text" style="width: 80px;" maxlength="10" /></td> </tr> <tr><td></td><td>Datepicker with Adobe CS3 GUI style. Date format is month-day-year.<br /><br /></td></tr> <tr> <td></td> <td><input id="exampleIV-B" name="date" type="text" style="width: 80px;" maxlength="10" /></td> </tr> <tr><td></td><td>Datepicker with Apple OSX Tiger calendar widget style.<br /><br /></td></tr> <tr> <th>Example V</th> <td><div id="exampleV" style="height: 140px"></div></td> </tr> <tr><td></td><td>The normal calender. Calendar week starts on monday.<br /><br /></td></tr> <tr> <th>Example VI</th> <td><input id="exampleVI" name="date" type="text" style="width: 80px;" maxlength="10" /></td> </tr> <tr><td></td><td>Datepicker with the current year as a default view.<br /><br /></td></tr> <tr> <th>Example VII</th> <td><input id="exampleVII" name="date" type="text" style="width: 80px;" maxlength="10" /></td> </tr> <tr><td></td><td>Datepicker with a default date set to 12 December 2012.<br /><br /></td></tr> </table> <br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /> </body> </html> c'est donc l'exemple 3
  3. Voici le code du script: /*********************************************************/ /* vlaCalendar version 2.1 for mootools release 1.2 */ /*********************************************************/ var vlaCalendar = new Class({ 'slideDuration': 500, 'fadeDuration': 500, 'transition': Fx.Transitions.Quart.easeOut, 'startMonday': false, 'filePath': '/recherche/js/inc/', 'defaultView': 'month', 'style': '', initialize: function(_container, _options) { //Add the provided options to this object by extending if(_options) $extend(this, _options); this.loading = false; this.container = _container = $(_container); var _class = this; //Insert the base into the container and initialize elements var pars = 'defaultView='+ this.defaultView; if(this.picker) { if($type(this.prefillDate) == 'object' && this.getInputDate(this.prefillDate)) pars += '&pickedDate='+ this.getInputDate(this.prefillDate); if(this.linkWithInput) pars += '&gotoPickedDate=1'; } this.u('base', pars, function() { _class.mainLoader = _container.getElement('div[class=loaderA]'); _class.tempLoader = _container.getElement('div[class=loaderB]'); _class.label = _container.getElement('span[class=label]'); _class.arrowLeft = _container.getElement('div[class=arrowLeft]'); _class.arrowRight = _container.getElement('div[class=arrowRight]'); _class.initializeCalendarFunctions(); //Prefill/load picker date elements if(_class.picker) { if($type(_class.prefillDate) == 'object' && _class.getInputDate(_class.prefillDate)) _class.pick(_class.prefillDate); else if(_class.prefillDate == true) _class.pick(JSON.decode(_class.label.getProperty('date'))); } }, _container); }, initializeCalendarFunctions: function() { this.resetArrows(); //Retrieve data (label, timestamp etc) which are stored as a Json string in the table attribute summary var vars = JSON.decode(this.mainLoader.getElement('table').getProperty('summary')); var _class = this; //Change the label this.label.removeClass('noHover').set('html', vars.label) .onclick = vars.parent ? function() { _class.u(vars.parent, 'ts=' + vars.ts + '&parent=' + vars.current, function() { _class.fade() }) } : null; //Hide arrows if necessary and add arrow click events if(vars.hide_left_arrow) this.hideLeftArrow(); else if(vars.hide_right_arrow) this.hideRightArrow(); this.arrowLeft.onclick = function() { _class.u(vars.current, 'ts=' + vars.pr_ts, function() { _class.slideLeft() }) } this.arrowRight.onclick = function() { _class.u(vars.current, 'ts=' + vars.nx_ts, function() { _class.slideRight() }) } //Add cell click events var clickables = this.mainLoader.getElements('td'); switch(vars.current) { case 'month': if(this.picker) { clickables.each(function(_clickable) { _clickable.onclick = function() { _class.pick(JSON.decode(_clickable.getProperty('date'))); _class.mainLoader.getElements('td').each(function(_clickable) { _clickable.removeClass('selected') }); this.addClass('selected'); } }); } break; case 'year': clickables.each(function(_clickable) { _clickable.onclick = function() { _class.u('month', 'ts=' + _clickable.getProperty('ts'), function() { _class.fade() }) } }); break; case 'decade': this.label.addClass('noHover'); clickables.each(function(_clickable) { _clickable.onclick = function() { _class.u('year', 'ts=' + _clickable.getProperty('ts') + '&m_ts=' + _clickable.getProperty('m_ts'), function() { _class.fade() }) } }); break; } }, //Ajax updater function which handles all requests u: function(_url, _pars, _onComplete, _id) { if(!this.loading && !this.transitioning) { var _class = this; this.loading = true; var element = $(_id ? _id : this.tempLoader); _pars += '&picker=' + (this.picker ? 1 : 0) + '&startMonday=' + (this.startMonday ? 1 : 0) + '&style=' +; if(this.picker && this.getInputDate()) _pars += '&pickedDate='+ this.getInputDate(); new Request({ method: 'post', url: this.filePath + _url + '.php', onComplete: function(data) { element.set('html', data); _onComplete(); _class.loading = false; } }).send(_pars); } }, slideLeft: function() { var _class = this; this.transitioning = true; this.tempLoader.setStyle('opacity', 1).set('tween', { duration: this.slideDuration, transition: this.transition }).tween('margin-left', [-164, 0]); this.mainLoader.setStyle('opacity', 1).set('tween', { duration: this.slideDuration, transition: this.transition, onComplete: function() { _class.transitioning = false } }) .tween('margin-left', [0, 164]); this.switchLoaders(); }, slideRight: function() { var _class = this; this.transitioning = true; this.mainLoader.setStyle('opacity', 1).set('tween', { duration: this.slideDuration, transition: this.transition }).tween('margin-left', [0, -164]); this.tempLoader.setStyle('opacity', 1).set('tween', { duration: this.slideDuration, transition: this.transition, onComplete: function() { _class.transitioning = false } }) .tween('margin-left', [164, 0]); this.switchLoaders(); }, fade: function(overRuleTrans) { var _class = this; this.transitioning = overRuleTrans ? false : true; this.tempLoader.setStyles({'opacity': 0, 'margin-left': 0}); this.mainLoader.set('tween', { duration: this.fadeDuration, transition: this.transition}).fade('out'); this.tempLoader.set('tween', { duration: this.fadeDuration, transition: this.transition, onComplete: function() { _class.tempLoader.setStyles({'opacity': 1, 'margin-left': -999}); _class.transitioning = false; } }).fade('in'); this.switchLoaders(); }, switchLoaders: function() { this.mainLoader = this.mainLoader.className == 'loaderA' ? this.container.getElement('div[class=loaderB]') : this.container.getElement('div[class=loaderA]'); this.tempLoader = this.tempLoader.className == 'loaderA' ? this.container.getElement('div[class=loaderB]') : this.container.getElement('div[class=loaderA]'); this.initializeCalendarFunctions(); }, resetArrows: function() { this.arrowLeft.setStyle('visibility', 'visible'); this.arrowRight.setStyle('visibility', 'visible'); }, hideLeftArrow: function() { this.arrowLeft.setStyle('visibility', 'hidden'); }, hideRightArrow: function() { this.arrowRight.setStyle('visibility', 'hidden'); } }); var vlaDatePicker = new Class({ Extends: vlaCalendar, 'separateInput': false, 'prefillDate': true, 'linkWithInput': true, 'leadingZero': true, 'twoDigitYear': false, 'separator': '/', 'format': 'd/m/y', 'openWith': null, 'alignX': 'right', 'alignY': 'inputTop', 'offset': { 'x': 0, 'y': 0 }, 'style': '', 'ieTransitionColor' : '#ffffff', 'toggleDuration': 350, initialize: function(_element, _options) { //Add the provided options to this object by extending if(_options) $extend(this, _options); this.element = $(_element); if(!this.element) throw 'No (existing) element to create a datepicker for specified: new vlaDatePicker(ELEMENT, [options])'; //Check if the user wants multiple input if(this.separateInput) { = this.element.getElement('input[name='+ +']'); this.element.month = this.element.getElement('input[name='+ this.separateInput.month +']'); this.element.year = this.element.getElement('input[name='+ this.separateInput.year +']'); } //Create the picker and calendar and inject in in the body this.picker = new Element('div', { 'class': 'vlaCalendarPicker' + ( != '' ? ' ' + : '') }).injectTop($(document.body)); this.pickerContent = new Element('div', { 'class': 'pickerBackground' }).injectTop(this.picker); this.parent(this.pickerContent); //Add events for showing and hiding the picker var _class = this; (this.openWith ? $(this.openWith) : this.element) .addEvent('focus', function() {; }) .addEvent('click', function() { _class.openWith ? _class.toggle() : }) .addEvent('change', function() { _class.hide(); }); //If the datepicker is visible an outside click makes it hide document.addEvent('mousedown', function(e) { if(_class.outsideHide && _class.outsideClick(e, _class.picker)) _class.hide() }); //linkWithInput if(this.linkWithInput) { if(this.separateInput) {'keyup', function() { _class.linkedUpdate() }); this.element.month.addEvent('keyup', function() { _class.linkedUpdate() }); this.element.year.addEvent('keyup', function() { _class.linkedUpdate() }); } else { this.element.addEvent('keyup', function() { _class.linkedUpdate() }); } } this.visible = false; this.outsideHide = false; }, //Position the picker position: function() { var top, left; switch(this.alignX) { case 'left': left = this.element.getLeft(); break; case 'center': var pickerMiddle = this.pickerContent.getStyle('width').toInt() / 2; if(pickerMiddle == 0) pickerMiddle = 83; left = this.element.getLeft() + (this.element.getSize().x / 2) - pickerMiddle - ((parseInt(this.pickerContent.getStyle('padding-left')) + parseInt(this.pickerContent.getStyle('padding-right'))) / 2); break; case 'right': default: left = this.element.getLeft() + this.element.getSize().x; break; } switch(this.alignY) { case 'bottom': top = this.getPos(this.element).y + this.element.getSize().y; break; case 'top': top = this.getPos(this.element).y - parseInt(this.pickerContent.getStyle('height')) - (parseInt(this.pickerContent.getStyle('padding-top')) + parseInt(this.pickerContent.getStyle('padding-bottom'))); break; case 'inputTop': default: top = this.getPos(this.element).y; } if(this.isNumber(this.offset.x)) left += this.offset.x; if(this.isNumber(this.offset.y)) top += this.offset.y; this.picker.setStyles({ 'top': top, 'left': left }); }, show: function() { this.position(); if(!this.visible) { this.visible = true; var _class = this; this.picker.setStyles({ 'opacity': 0, 'display': 'inline' }); if(Browser.Engine.trident5) this.picker.setStyle('background-color', this.ieTransitionColor); //Ugly transition fix for IE7 this.picker.set('tween', { onComplete: function() { if(Browser.Engine.trident5) _class.picker.setStyle('background-color', 'transparent'); _class.outsideHide = true; }, duration: this.toggleDuration }).fade('in'); } }, hide: function() { if(this.visible) { this.visible = false; var _class = this; if(Browser.Engine.trident5) this.picker.setStyle('background-color', this.ieTransitionColor); //Ugly transition fix for IE7 this.picker.set('tween', { onComplete: function() { _class.picker.setStyle('display', 'none'); _class.outsideHide = false; }, duration: this.toggleDuration }).fade('out'); } }, toggle: function() { if(this.visible) this.hide(); else; }, pick: function(_date) { if(this.leadingZero) { if( < 10) = '0' +; if(_date.month < 10) _date.month = '0' + _date.month; } if(this.twoDigitYear) _date.year = _date.year.toString().substring(2, 4); if(this.separateInput) { if('value',; if(this.element.month) this.element.month.set('value', _date.month); if(this.element.year) this.element.year.set('value', _date.year); this.hide(); } else { switch(this.format) { case "m/d/y": this.element.set('value', _date.month + this.separator + + this.separator + _date.year); break; case "y/m/d": this.element.set('value', _date.year + this.separator + _date.month + this.separator +; break; case "y/d/m": this.element.set('value', _date.year + this.separator + + this.separator + _date.month); break; case "d/m/y": default: this.element.set('value', + this.separator + _date.month + this.separator + _date.year); } this.hide(); } }, getInputDate: function(_date) { var day, month, year; if(_date) { day =; month = _date.month; year = _date.year; } else if(this.separateInput) { day ='value').toInt(); month = this.element.month.get('value').toInt(); year = this.element.year.get('value').toInt(); } else { var date = this.element.get('value').split(this.separator); if(date.length != 3) return null; switch(this.format) { case "m/d/y": day = date[1]; month = date[0]; year = date[2]; break; case "y/m/d": day = date[2]; month = date[1]; year = date[0]; break; case "y/d/m": day = date[1]; month = date[2]; year = date[0]; break; case "d/m/y": default: day = date[0]; month = date[1]; year = date[2]; } } if( !this.isNumber(day) || !this.isNumber(month) || !this.isNumber(year) || day == 0 || month == 0 || year == '0' || (this.twoDigitYear && year > 99) || (!this.twoDigitYear && year < 1979) || (!this.twoDigitYear && year > 2030) || month > 12 || day > 31 ) return null; if(this.twoDigitYear && this.isNumber(year) && year < 100) { year = year.toInt(); if(year < 10) year = '200'+ year; else if(year < 70) year = '20'+ year; else if(year > 69) year = '19'+ year; else year = new Date().getFullYear(); } return day +'/'+ month +'/'+ year; }, //This function is being called on keyup event if linkWithInput is set to true and when a date is picked //If the full date is inserted the picker will change itself to that specific date (month view) linkedUpdate: function() { var _class = this; var date = this.getInputDate(); if(date && this.pickedDate != date) { this.u('month', 'gotoPickedDate=1', function() { _class.fade(true) }); this.pickedDate = date; } }, outsideClick: function(_event, _element) { var mousePos = this.getMousePos(_event); var elementData = _element.getCoordinates(); return (mousePos.x > elementData.left && mousePos.x < (elementData.left + elementData.width)) && (mousePos.y > && mousePos.y < ( + elementData.height)) ? false : true; }, getMousePos: function(_event) { if(document.all) { return { 'x': window.event.clientX + window.getScrollLeft(), 'y': window.event.clientY + window.getScrollTop() }; } else { return { 'x':['x'], 'y':['y'] }; } }, isNumber: function(_number) { if(_number == '') return false; return (_number >= 0) || (_number < 0) ? true : false; }, //Retrieving positition funtions (like getCoordinates, getTop etc) don't seem to return correct values in some situations in mootools 1.2; //Opera returns wrong values, IE returns too small values. This function returns the correct coordinates. getPos: function(_element) { var x, y = 0; if(_element.offsetParent) { do { x += _element.offsetLeft; y += _element.offsetTop; } while(_element = _element.offsetParent); } else if(_element.x) { x += _element.x; y += _element.y; } return { 'x': x, 'y': y }; } }); ps: je préfère reste avec mootools pour ne pas multiplier les frameworks JS)
  4. Je souhaite récupérer une .value dans ma page courante après que le dom se soit chargé. Le Js se charge ainsi : <script type="text/javascript"> window.addEvent('domready', function() { new vlaDatePicker('exampleIII', { openWith: 'togglePicker', offset: { y: -2, x: 2 }, separateInput: { day: 'day', month: 'month', year: 'year' }, format: 'y/m/d' } ); }); </script> <span id="exampleIII"> <input id="day" name="day" type="text" style="width: 18px;" maxlength="2" /> <input value="/" type="text" disabled="disabled" style="width: 5px;" /> <input name="month" class="textbox" style="width: 16px;" maxlength="2" type="text" /> <input value="/" type="text" disabled="disabled" style="width: 5px;" /> <input name="year" type="text" style="width: 28px;" maxlength="4" /> <img src="/recherche/js/images/calendar.gif" id="togglePicker" class="pickerImg" alt="Choisissez une date" /> </span> Jai donc une page coté client qui a exécuté du php+Javascript. Jutilise un script mootools de calendrier picker, il affiche un calendrier au click de la souris sur une image, sur le calendrier après le choix, il re-inject la value dans la page HTML. Le problème est quil affiche la value à lecran mais pas dans le code HTML source de la page, et on voit bien que dans input il ny a pas de value= « value » Par contre avec Fiebug en inspectant le dom, on voit bien que lelement exampleIII à pour value, le chiffre saisi par le client sur le calendrier. Jarrive a récupérer la value la première fois, mais pas après le chargement de page Le but du jeu est de stocker « mavalue » pour la passer dans lurl comme ceci : http://xxxxxx/recherche.php?s=&f=Agenda&t[]=date_debut|mavalue Merci pour votre aide, Cordialement
  5. Interessant, mais pourquoi ré-inventer la roue quand elle existe déjà ? Je vais tout de même songer à faire quelque chose sur mesure. Merci
  6. Bonjour, Est ce que quelqu'un à acheter ce script php ? Quand est il de sa qualité ? Sinon, avez vous un bon produit pour créer un sitemap xml dynamique avec une bonne gestion des exclusions (a part Google sitemap generator et phpsitemapNG) ? Merci, Cordialement.
  7. J'ai proceder differement, et lorsque je passe en ajax; voila la reponse que j'obtient: Failed to load source for: dans le reponse xhr et erreur Js dans la console: uncaught exception: [Exception... "Component returned failure code: 0x80004005 (NS_ERROR_FAILURE) [nsIXMLHttpRequest.send]" nsresult: "0x80004005 (NS_ERROR_FAILURE)" location: "JS frame :: http://xxx/ :: compteur :: line 557" data: no] Voici mon code: <script type="text/javascript"> function createXhrObject() { if (window.XMLHttpRequest) return new XMLHttpRequest(); if (window.ActiveXObject) { var names = [ "Msxml2.XMLHTTP.6.0", "Msxml2.XMLHTTP.3.0", "Msxml2.XMLHTTP", "Microsoft.XMLHTTP" ]; for(var i in names) { try{ return new ActiveXObject(names[i]); } catch(e){} } } window.alert("Votre navigateur ne prend pas en charge l'objet XMLHTTPRequest."); return null; } xhr = createXhrObject(); if (xhr.overrideMimeType) { xhr.overrideMimeType('application/javascript'); } function compteur() { createXhrObject(); var url = '<?php echo $URL;?>';'GET', url, false); document.getElementById('contenu_html').innerHTML = xhr.responseText; xhr.send(null); } window.addEvent('domready', function() { alert('ready!!!'); compteur(); }); </script> Vous pouvez vous rendre compte que le contenu de $URL est: et cette url affiche ce type de réponse: document.write('<script language="Javascript" type="text/javascript">'); document.write('var a2d_SWF=\'\';'); document.write('var a2d_ClickTagName=\'clickTag\';'); document.write('var a2d_clickTAG=\'\';'); document.write('var a2d_Height=\'90\';'); document.write('var a2d_Width=\'728\';'); document.write('var a2d_wmode=\'opaque\';'); document.write('<\/script>'); document.write('<script src="" type="text/javascript"><\/script>'); document.write('<IMG src="" width=1 height=1 border=0>'); document.write('<img src="" style="display:none;" />'); Comment faire pour ne plus avoir d'erreur et afficher correctment le contenu de $URL dans ma page avec l'evenement domready de Mootools ? Merci pour votre aide Je galere dessus depuis ce matin.
  8. Bonjour, Je n'arrive pas à faire un innerhtml qui contient un script js lui même Je veux faire ceci: window.addEvent('domready', function() { alert("The DOM is ready."); var div = document.getElementById("contenu_html"); div.innerHTML = '<div id="A2dEmplacement<?php echo $row_pub['id'];?>Pub" class="pubD_Lreplace"><script id="jspub<?php echo $row_pub['id'];?>" type="text/javascript" src="<?php echo $URL;?>"></script></div>'; }); Merci de votre aide.
  9. Bonjour, Sur un site de temps en temps, j'ai des lenteurs d'acces et je ne trouve pas à quoi c'est du. Site sous Lamp gentoo. Une capture via firebug pour vous donner une idée. Le site n'est pas chargé; comment trouvé d'ou vient le problème. Je ne sais pas du tout si c'est lié à Merci de votre aide.
  10. Merci ca fonctionne parfaitement !
  11. Bonjour, Ca doit vois paraitre tout bète, mais je n'arrive pas à faire ceci: Je souhaite ceci: 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, ... Et non ceci: 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, ... je souhaite que ma boucle recommence à 1, lorsqu'elle arrive à 12. Merci de votre aide.
  12. merci
  13. Bonjour, Même soucis avec une chaine de caracteres issu d'un fichier de log apache [01/Apr/2010:13:17:38 +0200] "GET /_img/bg/contentPage_foot.png HTTP/1.1" 200 3931 "http://site.tld/?id_client=2291908&check=0e50d2b3c2b148f0dd0b8a58dd333180&webtype=83" "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 5.1; GTB6.4)" Je n'arrive pas à récuperer dans des variables mes valeures id_client, check, webtype J'ai simplement fais un parse_str du contenu, et ca ne fonctionne pas correctement, je ne recupere pas id_client, check c'est ok, mais pour webtype, il prend la totalité apres : 83" "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 5.1; GTB6.4) Comment faire ? Merci.
  14. Merci c'est exactement ca
  15. Bonjour, Un webservice me renvoie cette chaine: ACQ=OK&IDENTIFIANT=2&REFERENCE=REF10031432 L'url renvoi en coeur de page juste cette ligne, il n'y a aucune balise, aucun id, aucun doctype, rien... Comment récuperer chaque variable dans cette chaine: ACQ=OK, IDENTIFIANT=2, .... à la manière d'un GET: GET["ACQ"]="OK"? Merci de votre aide.
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