Ernestine Posté 25 Novembre 2013 Posté 25 Novembre 2013 Bonjour, Sur un serveur, j'ai Awstats installé. Sur ce serveur il y a plusieurs vhosts, correspondant aux différents sites. Dans Awstats, dans la catégorie Hôtes, au lieu d'afficher les ips, il m'affiche les noms des virtual hosts. Je ne comprends pas à quoi cela peut être dû... Auriez-vous une idée ? Y a-t-il quelque chose de particulier à configurer quand on utilise Awstats avec plusieurs vhosts ? (Sachant que nous n'avons pas besoin de voir les statistiques détaillées de chaque site, juste un rapport global nous suffit). Merci.
SStephane Posté 25 Novembre 2013 Posté 25 Novembre 2013 J'utilise plus awstats depuis un bail mais je dirais que le format log d'apache que awstats lit ne correspond peut-être pas à celui de sa conf. Soit tu modifies le format de log d'apache (CustomLog ou un truc du style *), soit tu modifies la conf d'awstats pour lire correctement les logs (LogFormat de mémoire). Je crois me souvenir awstats attends par défaut. (*) Placé dans chaque vhost, c'est un des moyens pour obtenir des stats individuelles.
Ernestine Posté 25 Novembre 2013 Auteur Posté 25 Novembre 2013 Merci, j'ai vérifié le format et le problème n'est pas là, on est exactement dans ce cas : If your log records are EXACTLY like this (NCSA combined with several virtualhostname sharing same log file).virtualserver1 - - [dd/mmm/yyyy:hh:mm:ss +0x00] "GET /page.html HTTP/1.1" 200 1234 "" "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.01; Windows NT 5.0)" You must use : LogFormat="%virtualname %host %other %logname %time1 %methodurl %code %bytesd %refererquot quot" Source : Mais ça ne change rien. On a aussi mis DNSLookup à 0. Mais dans la catégorie Hôtes des stats, on continue d'avoir seulement les trois hôtes virtuels au lieu des adresses ip. Alors que le fichier de logs d'Apache contient bien des milliers d'ips différentes.
SStephane Posté 25 Novembre 2013 Posté 25 Novembre 2013 Poste ta conf et tes logs, c'est un peu dur là (*** edit : Pour le coup j'ai un doute sur le fichier de conf que tu charges)
Ernestine Posté 25 Novembre 2013 Auteur Posté 25 Novembre 2013 Voici le fichier de conf utilisé par Awstats : LogFile="/var/log/apache2/vhosts_access.log"LogType=WLogFormat="%virtualname %host %other %logname %time1 %methodurl %code %bytesd %refererquot % uaquot"# Sans espace entre % et uaquot : si je le mets, l'éditeur du forum me le transforme.LogSeparator=" "SiteDomain=""HostAliases=" localhost"DNSLookup=0DirData="/var/lib/awstats"DirCgi="/cgi-bin"DirIcons="/awstats-icon"AllowToUpdateStatsFromBrowser=1AllowFullYearView=3EnableLockForUpdate=1DNSStaticCacheFile="dnscache.txt"DNSLastUpdateCacheFile="dnscachelastupdate.txt"SkipDNSLookupFor=""AllowAccessFromWebToAuthenticatedUsersOnly=0AllowAccessFromWebToFollowingAuthenticatedUsers="user1"AllowAccessFromWebToFollowingIPAddresses=""CreateDirDataIfNotExists=0BuildHistoryFormat=textBuildReportFormat=htmlSaveDatabaseFilesWithPermissionsForEveryone=1PurgeLogFile=0ArchiveLogRecords=0KeepBackupOfHistoricFiles=0DefaultFile="index.php index.html"SkipHosts=""SkipUserAgents=""SkipFiles=""SkipReferrersBlackList=""OnlyHosts=""OnlyUserAgents=""OnlyUsers=""OnlyFiles=""NotPageList="css js class gif jpg jpeg png bmp ico rss xml swf"ValidHTTPCodes="200 304"ValidSMTPCodes="1 250"AuthenticatedUsersNotCaseSensitive=0URLNotCaseSensitive=0URLWithAnchor=0URLQuerySeparators="?;"URLWithQuery=0URLWithQueryWithOnlyFollowingParameters=""URLWithQueryWithoutFollowingParameters=""URLReferrerWithQuery=0WarningMessages=1ErrorMessages=""DebugMessages=0NbOfLinesForCorruptedLog=50WrapperScript=""DecodeUA=0MiscTrackerUrl="/js/awstats_misc_tracker.js"# AddLinkToExternalCGIWrapper="/awstats/"#-----------------------------------------------------------------------------# OPTIONAL ACCURACY SETUP SECTION (Not required but increase AWStats features)#-----------------------------------------------------------------------------# The following values allow you to define accuracy of AWStats entities# (robots, browsers, os, referers, file types) detection.# It might be a good idea for large web sites or ISP that provides AWStats to# high number of customers, to set this parameter to 1 (or 0), instead of 2.# Possible values:# 0 = No detection,# 1 = Medium/Standard detection# 2 = Full detection# Change : Effective for new updates only# Note : LevelForBrowsersDetection can also accept value "allphones". This# enable detailed detection of phone/pda browsers.# Default: 2 (0 for LevelForWormsDetection)#LevelForBrowsersDetection=2 # 0 disables Browsers detection. # 2 reduces AWStats speed by 2% # allphones reduces AWStats speed by 5%LevelForOSDetection=2 # 0 disables OS detection. # 2 reduces AWStats speed by 3%LevelForRefererAnalyze=2 # 0 disables Origin detection. # 2 reduces AWStats speed by 14%LevelForRobotsDetection=2 # 0 disables Robots detection. # 2 reduces AWStats speed by 2.5%LevelForSearchEnginesDetection=2 # 0 disables Search engines detection. # 2 reduces AWStats speed by 9%LevelForKeywordsDetection=2 # 0 disables Keyphrases/Keywords detection. # 2 reduces AWStats speed by 1%LevelForFileTypesDetection=2 # 0 disables File types detection. # 2 reduces AWStats speed by 1%LevelForWormsDetection=0 # 0 disables Worms detection. # 2 reduces AWStats speed by 15%#-----------------------------------------------------------------------------# OPTIONAL APPEARANCE SETUP SECTION (Not required but increase AWStats features)#-----------------------------------------------------------------------------# When you use AWStats as a CGI, you can have the reports shown in HTML frames.# Frames are only available for report viewed dynamically. When you build# pages from command line, this option is not used and no frames are built.# Possible values: 0 or 1# Default: 1#UseFramesWhenCGI=1# This parameter asks your browser to open detailed reports into a different# window than the main page.# Possible values:# 0 - Open all in same browser window# 1 - Open detailed reports in another window except if using frames# 2 - Open always in a different window even if reports are framed# Default: 1#DetailedReportsOnNewWindows=1# You can add, in the HTML report page, a cache lifetime (in seconds) that# will be returned to the browser in HTTP header answer by server.# This parameter is not used when reports are built with -staticlinks option.# Example: 3600# Default: 0#Expires=0# To avoid too large web pages, you can ask AWStats to limit number of rows of# all reported charts to this number when no other limits apply.# Default: 1000#MaxRowsInHTMLOutput=1000# Set your primary language (ISO-639-1 language codes).# Possible values:# Albanian=al, Bosnian=ba, Bulgarian=bg, Catalan=ca,# Chinese (Taiwan)=tw, Chinese (Simpliefied)=cn, Croatian=hr, Czech=cz,# Danish=dk, Dutch=nl, English=en, Estonian=et, Euskara=eu, Finnish=fi,# French=fr, Galician=gl, German=de, Greek=gr, Hebrew=he, Hungarian=hu,# Icelandic=is, Indonesian=id, Italian=it, Japanese=jp, Korean=ko,# Latvian=lv, Norwegian (Nynorsk)=nn, Norwegian (Bokmal)=nb, Polish=pl,# Portuguese=pt, Portuguese (Brazilian)=br, Romanian=ro, Russian=ru,# Serbian=sr, Slovak=sk, Slovenian=si, Spanish=es, Swedish=se, Turkish=tr,# Ukrainian=ua, Welsh=cy.# First available language accepted by browser=auto# Default: "auto"#Lang="auto"# Set the location of language files.# Example: "/usr/share/awstats/lang"# Default: "./lang" (means lang directory is in same location than"/usr/share/awstats/lang"# Show menu header with reports' links# Possible values: 0 or 1# Default: 1#ShowMenu=1 # You choose here which reports you want to see in the main page and what you# want to see in those reports.# Possible values:# 0 - Report is not shown at all# 1 - Report is shown in main page with an entry in menu and default columns# XYZ - Report shows column informations defined by code X,Y,Z...# X,Y,Z... are code letters among the following:# U = Unique visitors# V = Visits# P = Number of pages# H = Number of hits (or mails)# B = Bandwith (or total mail size for mail logs)# L = Last access date# E = Entry pages# X = Exit pages# C = Web compression (mod_gzip,mod_deflate)# M = Average mail size (mail logs)## Show monthly summary# Context: Web, Streaming, Mail, Ftp# Default: UVPHB, Possible column codes: UVPHBShowSummary=UVPHB# Show monthly chart# Context: Web, Streaming, Mail, Ftp# Default: UVPHB, Possible column codes: UVPHBShowMonthStats=UVPHB# Show days of month chart# Context: Web, Streaming, Mail, Ftp# Default: VPHB, Possible column codes: VPHBShowDaysOfMonthStats=VPHB# Show days of week chart# Context: Web, Streaming, Mail, Ftp# Default: PHB, Possible column codes: PHBShowDaysOfWeekStats=PHB# Show hourly chart# Context: Web, Streaming, Mail, Ftp# Default: PHB, Possible column codes: PHBShowHoursStats=PHB# Show domains/country chart# Context: Web, Streaming, Mail, Ftp# Default: PHB, Possible column codes: UVPHBShowDomainsStats=PHB# Show hosts chart# Context: Web, Streaming, Mail, Ftp# Default: PHBL, Possible column codes: PHBLShowHostsStats=PHBL# Show authenticated users chart# Context: Web, Streaming, Ftp# Default: 0, Possible column codes: PHBLShowAuthenticatedUsers=0# Show robots chart# Context: Web, Streaming# Default: HBL, Possible column codes: HBLShowRobotsStats=HBL# Show worms chart# Context: Web, Streaming# Default: 0 (If set to other than 0, see also LevelForWormsDetection), Possible column codes: HBLShowWormsStats=0# Show email senders chart (For use when analyzing mail log files)# Context: Mail# Default: 0, Possible column codes: HBMLShowEMailSenders=0# Show email receivers chart (For use when analyzing mail log files)# Context: Mail# Default: 0, Possible column codes: HBMLShowEMailReceivers=0# Show session chart# Context: Web, Streaming, Ftp# Default: 1, Possible column codes: NoneShowSessionsStats=1# Show pages-url chart.# Context: Web, Streaming, Ftp# Default: PBEX, Possible column codes: PBEXShowPagesStats=PBEX# Show file types chart.# Context: Web, Streaming, Ftp# Default: HB, Possible column codes: HBCShowFileTypesStats=HB# Show file size chart (Not yet available)# Context: Web, Streaming, Mail, Ftp# Default: 1, Possible column codes: NoneShowFileSizesStats=0 # Show downloads chart.# Context: Web, Streaming, Ftp# Default: HB, Possible column codes: HBShowDownloadsStats=HB # Show operating systems chart# Context: Web, Streaming, Ftp# Default: 1, Possible column codes: NoneShowOSStats=1# Show browsers chart# Context: Web, Streaming# Default: 1, Possible column codes: NoneShowBrowsersStats=1# Show screen size chart# Context: Web, Streaming# Default: 0 (If set to 1, see also MiscTrackerUrl), Possible column codes: NoneShowScreenSizeStats=0# Show origin chart# Context: Web, Streaming# Default: PH, Possible column codes: PHShowOriginStats=PH# Show keyphrases chart# Context: Web, Streaming# Default: 1, Possible column codes: NoneShowKeyphrasesStats=1# Show keywords chart# Context: Web, Streaming# Default: 1, Possible column codes: NoneShowKeywordsStats=1# Show misc chart# Context: Web, Streaming# Default: a (See also MiscTrackerUrl parameter), Possible column codes: anjdfrqwpShowMiscStats=a# Show http errors chart# Context: Web, Streaming# Default: 1, Possible column codes: NoneShowHTTPErrorsStats=1# Show smtp errors chart (For use when analyzing mail log files)# Context: Mail# Default: 0, Possible column codes: NoneShowSMTPErrorsStats=0# Show the cluster report (Your LogFormat must contains the %cluster tag)# Context: Web, Streaming, Ftp# Default: 0, Possible column codes: PHBShowClusterStats=0# Some graphical reports are followed by the data array of values.# If you don't want this array (to reduce the report size for example), you# can set thoose options to 0.# Possible values: 0 or 1# Default: 1## Data array values for the ShowMonthStats reportAddDataArrayMonthStats=1# Data array values for the ShowDaysOfMonthStats reportAddDataArrayShowDaysOfMonthStats=1# Data array values for the ShowDaysOfWeekStats reportAddDataArrayShowDaysOfWeekStats=1# Data array values for the ShowHoursStats reportAddDataArrayShowHoursStats=1# In the Origin chart, you have stats on where your hits came from. You can# include hits on pages that come from pages of same sites in this chart.# Possible values: 0 or 1# Default: 0#IncludeInternalLinksInOriginSection=0# The following parameters can be used to choose the maximum number of lines# shown for the particular following reports.## Stats by countries/domainsMaxNbOfDomain = 10MinHitDomain = 1# Stats by hostsMaxNbOfHostsShown = 10MinHitHost = 1# Stats by authenticated usersMaxNbOfLoginShown = 10MinHitLogin = 1# Stats by robotsMaxNbOfRobotShown = 10MinHitRobot = 1# Stats for DownloadsMaxNbOfDownloadsShown = 10MinHitDownloads = 1# Stats by pagesMaxNbOfPageShown = 10MinHitFile = 1# Stats by OSMaxNbOfOsShown = 10MinHitOs = 1# Stats by browsersMaxNbOfBrowsersShown = 10MinHitBrowser = 1# Stats by screen sizeMaxNbOfScreenSizesShown = 5MinHitScreenSize = 1# Stats by window size (following 2 parameters are not yet used)MaxNbOfWindowSizesShown = 5MinHitWindowSize = 1# Stats by referersMaxNbOfRefererShown = 10MinHitRefer = 1# Stats for keyphrasesMaxNbOfKeyphrasesShown = 10MinHitKeyphrase = 1# Stats for keywordsMaxNbOfKeywordsShown = 10MinHitKeyword = 1# Stats for sender or receiver emailsMaxNbOfEMailsShown = 20MinHitEMail = 1# Choose if you want the week report to start on sunday or monday# Possible values:# 0 - Week starts on sunday# 1 - Week starts on monday# Default: 1#FirstDayOfWeek=1# List of visible flags that link to other language translations.# See Lang parameter for list of allowed flag/language codes.# If you don't want any flag link, set ShowFlagLinks to "".# This parameter is used only if ShowMenu parameter is set to 1.# Possible values: "" or "language_codes_separated_by_space"# Example: "en es fr nl de"# Default: ""#ShowFlagLinks=""# Each URL, shown in stats report views, are links you can click.# Possible values: 0 or 1# Default: 1#ShowLinksOnUrl=1# When AWStats builds HTML links in its report pages, it starts those links# with "http://". However some links might be HTTPS links, so you can enter# here the root of all your HTTPS links. If all your site is a SSL web site,# just enter "/".# This parameter is not used if ShowLinksOnUrl is 0.# Example: "/shopping"# Example: "/"# Default: ""#UseHTTPSLinkForUrl=""# Maximum length of URL part shown on stats page (number of characters).# This affects only URL visible text, links still work.# Default: 64#MaxLengthOfShownURL=64# You can enter HTML code that will be added at the top of AWStats reports.# Default: ""#HTMLHeadSection=""# You can enter HTML code that will be added at the end of AWStats reports.# Great to add advert ban.# Default: ""#HTMLEndSection=""# By default AWStats page contains meta tag robots=noindex,nofollow# If you want to have your statistics to be indexed, set this option to 1. # Default: 0#MetaRobot=0# You can set Logo and LogoLink to use your own logo.# Logo must be the name of image file (must be in $DirIcons/other directory).# LogoLink is the expected URL when clicking on Logo.# Default: "awstats_logo6.png"#Logo="awstats_logo6.png"LogoLink=""# Value of maximum bar width/height for horizontal/vertical HTML graphics bars.# Default: 260/90#BarWidth = 260BarHeight = 90# You can ask AWStats to use a particular CSS (Cascading Style Sheet) to# change its look. To create a style sheet, you can use samples provided with# AWStats in wwwroot/css directory.# Example: "/awstatscss/awstats_bw.css"# Example: "/css/awstats_bw.css"# Default: ""#StyleSheet=""# Those color parameters can be used (if StyleSheet parameter is not used)# to change AWStats look.# Example: color_name="RRGGBB" # RRGGBB is Red Green Blue components in Hex#color_Background="FFFFFF" # Background color for main page (Default = "FFFFFF")color_TableBGTitle="CCCCDD" # Background color for table title (Default = "CCCCDD")color_TableTitle="000000" # Table title font color (Default = "000000")color_TableBG="CCCCDD" # Background color for table (Default = "CCCCDD")color_TableRowTitle="FFFFFF" # Table row title font color (Default = "FFFFFF")color_TableBGRowTitle="ECECEC" # Background color for row title (Default = "ECECEC")color_TableBorder="ECECEC" # Table border color (Default = "ECECEC")color_text="000000" # Color of text (Default = "000000")color_textpercent="606060" # Color of text for percent values (Default = "606060")color_titletext="000000" # Color of text title within colored Title Rows (Default = "000000")color_weekend="EAEAEA" # Color for week-end days (Default = "EAEAEA")color_link="0011BB" # Color of HTML links (Default = "0011BB")color_hover="605040" # Color of HTML on-mouseover links (Default = "605040") color_u="FFAA66" # Background color for number of unique visitors (Default = "FFAA66")color_v="F4F090" # Background color for number of visites (Default = "F4F090")color_p="4477DD" # Background color for number of pages (Default = "4477DD")color_h="66DDEE" # Background color for number of hits (Default = "66DDEE")color_k="2EA495" # Background color for number of bytes (Default = "2EA495")color_s="8888DD" # Background color for number of search (Default = "8888DD")color_e="CEC2E8" # Background color for number of entry pages (Default = "CEC2E8")color_x="C1B2E2" # Background color for number of exit pages (Default = "C1B2E2")#-----------------------------------------------------------------------------# PLUGINS#-----------------------------------------------------------------------------# Add here all plugin files you want to load.# Plugin files must be .pm files stored in 'plugins' directory.# Uncomment LoadPlugin lines to enable a plugin after checking that perl# modules required by the plugin are installed.# PLUGIN: Tooltips# REQUIRED MODULES: None# PARAMETERS: None# DESCRIPTION: Add tooltips pop-up help boxes to HTML report pages. # NOTE: This will increased HTML report pages size, thus server load and bandwidth.##LoadPlugin="tooltips"# PLUGIN: DecodeUTFKeys# REQUIRED MODULES: Encode and URI::Escape# PARAMETERS: None# DESCRIPTION: Allow AWStats to show correctly (in language charset) # keywords/keyphrases strings even if they were UTF8 coded by the # referer search engine.##LoadPlugin="decodeutfkeys"# PLUGIN: IPv6# PARAMETERS: None# REQUIRED MODULES: Net::IP and Net::DNS# DESCRIPTION: This plugin gives AWStats capability to make reverse DNS# lookup on IPv6 addresses.#LoadPlugin="ipv6"# PLUGIN: HashFiles# REQUIRED MODULES: Storable# PARAMETERS: None# DESCRIPTION: AWStats DNS cache files are read/saved as native hash files. # This increases DNS cache files loading speed, above all for very large web sites.#LoadPlugin="hashfiles"# PLUGIN: UserInfo# REQUIRED MODULES: None# PARAMETERS: None# DESCRIPTION: Add a text (Firtname, Lastname, Office Department, ...) in # authenticated user reports for each login value.# A text file called userinfo.myconfig.txt, with two fields (first is login,# second is text to show, separated by a tab char) must be created in DirData# directory.##LoadPlugin="userinfo"# PLUGIN: HostInfo# REQUIRED MODULES: Net::XWhois# PARAMETERS: None# DESCRIPTION: Add a column into host chart with a link to open a popup window that shows# info on host (like whois records).#LoadPlugin="hostinfo"# PLUGIN: ClusterInfo# REQUIRED MODULES: None# PARAMETERS: None# DESCRIPTION: Add a text (for example a full hostname) in cluster reports for each cluster# number. A text file called clusterinfo.myconfig.txt, with two fields (first is# cluster number, second is text to show) separated by a tab char. must be# created into DirData directory.# Note this plugin is useless if ShowClusterStats is set to 0 or if you don't# use a personalized log format that contains %cluster tag.##LoadPlugin="clusterinfo"# PLUGIN: UrlAliases# REQUIRED MODULES: None# PARAMETERS: None# DESCRIPTION: Add a text (Page title, description...) in URL reports before URL value.# A text file called urlalias.myconfig.txt, with two fields (first is URL,# second is text to show, separated by a tab char) must be created into# DirData directory.##LoadPlugin="urlalias"# PLUGIN: TimeHiRes# REQUIRED MODULES: Time::HiRes (if Perl < 5.8)# PARAMETERS: None# DESCRIPTION: Time reported by -showsteps option is in millisecond. For debug purpose.##LoadPlugin="timehires" # PLUGIN: TimeZone# REQUIRED MODULES: Time::Local# PARAMETERS: [timezone offset]# DESCRIPTION: Allow AWStats to adjust time stamps for a different timezone# This plugin reduces AWStats speed of 10% !!!!!!!# LoadPlugin="timezone"# LoadPlugin="timezone +2"# LoadPlugin="timezone CET"##LoadPlugin="timezone +2"# PLUGIN: Rawlog# REQUIRED MODULES: None# PARAMETERS: None# DESCRIPTION: This plugin adds a form in AWStats main page to allow users to see raw# content of current log files. A filter is also available.#LoadPlugin="rawlog"# PLUGIN: GraphApplet# REQUIRED MODULES: None# PARAMETERS: [CSS classes to override]# DESCRIPTION: Supported charts are built by a 3D graphic applet.##LoadPlugin="graphapplet /awstatsclasses" # EXPERIMENTAL FEATURE# PLUGIN: GraphGoogleChartAPI# REQUIRED MODULES: None# PARAMETERS: None# DESCRIPTION: Replaces the standard charts with free Google API generated images # in HTML reports. If country data is available and more than one country has hits, # a map will be generated using Google Visualizations.# Note: The machine where reports are displayed must have Internet access for the # charts to be generated. The only data sent to Google includes the statistic numbers, # legend names and country names.# Warning: This plugin is not compatible with option BuildReportFormat=xhtml. ##LoadPlugin="graphgooglechartapi"# PLUGIN: GeoIPfree# REQUIRED MODULES: Geo::IPfree version 0.2+ (from Graciliano M.P.)# PARAMETERS: None# DESCRIPTION: Country chart is built from an Internet IP-Country database.# This plugin is useless for intranet only log files.# Note: You must choose between using this plugin (need Perl Geo::IPfree# module, database is free but not up to date) or the GeoIP plugin (need# Perl Geo::IP module from Maxmind, database is also free and up to date).# Note: Activestate provide a corrupted version of Geo::IPfree 0.2 Perl# module, so install it from elsewhere (from for example).# This plugin reduces AWStats speed by up to 10% !##LoadPlugin="geoipfree"# MAXMIND GEO IP MODULES: Please see documentation for notes on all Maxmind modules# PLUGIN: GeoIP# REQUIRED MODULES: Geo::IP or Geo::IP::PurePerl (from Maxmind)# PARAMETERS: [GEOIP_STANDARD | GEOIP_MEMORY_CACHE] [/pathto/geoip.dat[+/pathto/override.txt]]# DESCRIPTION: Builds a country chart and adds an entry to the hosts # table with country name# Replace spaces in the path of geoip data file with string "%20".##LoadPlugin="geoip GEOIP_STANDARD /usr/share/GeoIP/GeoIP.dat"# PLUGIN: GeoIP_City_Maxmind# REQUIRED MODULES: Geo::IP or Geo::IP::PurePerl (from Maxmind)# PARAMETERS: [GEOIP_STANDARD | GEOIP_MEMORY_CACHE] [/pathto/GeoIPCity.dat[+/pathto/override.txt]]# DESCRIPTION: This plugin adds a column under the hosts field and tracks the pageviews# and hits by city including regions.# Replace spaces in the path of geoip data file with string "%20".##LoadPlugin="geoip_city_maxmind GEOIP_STANDARD /usr/share/GeoIP/GeoIPCity.dat"# PLUGIN: GeoIP_ASN_Maxmind# REQUIRED MODULES: Geo::IP or Geo::IP::PurePerl (from Maxmind)# PARAMETERS: [GEOIP_STANDARD | GEOIP_MEMORY_CACHE] [/pathto/GeoIPASN.dat[+/pathto/override.txt][+http://linktoASlookup]]# DESCRIPTION: This plugin adds a chart of AS numbers where the host IP address is registered. # This plugin can display some ISP information if included in the database. You can also provide # a link that will be used to lookup additional registration data. Put the link at the end of # the parameter string and the report page will include the link with the full AS number at the end.# Replace spaces in the path of geoip data file with string "%20".##LoadPlugin="geoip_asn_maxmind GEOIP_STANDARD /usr/local/geoip.dat+"# PLUGIN: GeoIP_Region_Maxmind# REQUIRED MODULES: Geo::IP or Geo::IP::PurePerl (from Maxmind)# PARAMETERS: [GEOIP_STANDARD | GEOIP_MEMORY_CACHE] [/pathto/GeoIPRegion.dat[+/pathto/override.txt]]# DESCRIPTION:This plugin adds a chart of hits by regions. Only regions for US and # Canada can be detected.# Replace spaces in the path of geoip data file with string "%20".##LoadPlugin="geoip_region_maxmind GEOIP_STANDARD /usr/share/GeoIP/GeoIPRegion.dat"# PLUGIN: GeoIP_ISP_Maxmind# REQUIRED MODULES: Geo::IP or Geo::IP::PurePerl (from Maxmind)# PARAMETERS: [GEOIP_STANDARD | GEOIP_MEMORY_CACHE] [/pathto/GeoIPISP.dat[+/pathto/override.txt]]# DESCRIPTION: This plugin adds a chart of hits by ISP.# Replace spaces in the path of geoip data file with string "%20".##LoadPlugin="geoip_isp_maxmind GEOIP_STANDARD /usr/share/GeoIP/GeoIPISP.dat"# PLUGIN: GeoIP_Org_Maxmind# REQUIRED MODULES: Geo::IP or Geo::IP::PurePerl (from Maxmind)# PARAMETERS: [GEOIP_STANDARD | GEOIP_MEMORY_CACHE] [/pathto/GeoIPOrg.dat[+/pathto/override.txt]]# DESCRIPTION: This plugin add a chart of hits by Organization name# Replace spaces in the path of geoip data file with string "%20".##LoadPlugin="geoip_org_maxmind GEOIP_STANDARD /usr/share/GeoIP/GeoIPOrg.dat"#-----------------------------------------------------------------------------# EXTRA SECTIONS#-----------------------------------------------------------------------------# You can define your own charts, you choose here what are rows and columns# keys. This feature is particularly useful for marketing purpose, tracking# products orders for example.# For this, edit all parameters of Extra section. Each set of parameter is a# different chart. For several charts, duplicate section changing the number.# Note: Each Extra section reduces AWStats speed by 8%.## WARNING: A wrong setup of Extra section might result in too large arrays# that will consume all your memory, making AWStats unusable after several# updates, so be sure to setup it correctly.# In most cases, you don't need this feature.## ExtraSectionNameX is title of your personalized chart.# ExtraSectionCodeFilterX is list of codes the record code field must match.# Put an empty string for no test on code.# ExtraSectionConditionX are conditions you can use to count or not the hit,# Use one of the field condition# (URL,URLWITHQUERY,QUERY_STRING,REFERER,UA,HOSTINLOG,HOST,VHOST,extraX)# and a regex to match, after a coma. Use "||" for "OR".# ExtraSectionFirstColumnTitleX is the first column title of the chart.# ExtraSectionFirstColumnValuesX is a string to tell AWStats which field to# extract value from# (URL,URLWITHQUERY,QUERY_STRING,REFERER,UA,HOSTINLOG,HOST,VHOST,extraX)# and how to extract the value (using regex syntax). Each different value# found will appear in first column of report on a different row. Be sure# that list of different possible values will not grow indefinitely.# ExtraSectionFirstColumnFormatX is the string used to write value.# ExtraSectionStatTypesX are things you want to count. You can use standard# code letters (P for pages,H for hits,B for bandwidth,L for last access).# ExtraSectionAddAverageRowX add a row at bottom of chart with average values.# ExtraSectionAddSumRowX add a row at bottom of chart with sum values.# MaxNbOfExtraX is maximum number of rows shown in chart.# MinHitExtraX is minimum number of hits required to be shown in chart.## Example to report the 20 products the most ordered by "order.cgi" script#ExtraSectionName1="Product orders"#ExtraSectionCodeFilter1="200 304"#ExtraSectionCondition1="URL,\/cgi\-bin\/order\.cgi||URL,\/cgi\-bin\/order2\.cgi"#ExtraSectionFirstColumnTitle1="Product ID"#ExtraSectionFirstColumnValues1="QUERY_STRING,productid=([^&]+)"#ExtraSectionFirstColumnFormat1="%s"#ExtraSectionStatTypes1=PL#ExtraSectionAddAverageRow1=0#ExtraSectionAddSumRow1=1#MaxNbOfExtra1=20#MinHitExtra1=1# There is also a global parameter ExtraTrackedRowsLimit that limits the# number of possible rows an ExtraSection can report. This parameter is# here to protect too much memory use when you make a bad setup in your# ExtraSection. It applies to all ExtraSection independently meaning that# none ExtraSection can report more rows than value defined by ExtraTrackedRowsLimit.# If you know an ExtraSection will report more rows than its value, you should# increase this parameter or AWStats will stop with an error.# Example: 2000# Default: 500#ExtraTrackedRowsLimit=500#-----------------------------------------------------------------------------# INCLUDES#-----------------------------------------------------------------------------# You can include other config files using the directive with the name of the# config file.# This is particularly useful for users who have a lot of virtual servers, so# a lot of config files and want to maintain common values in only one file.# Note that when a variable is defined both in a config file and in an# included file, AWStats will use the last value read for parameters that# contains one value and AWStats will concat all values from both files for# parameters that are lists of values.#Include "/etc/awstats/awstats.conf.local" Et voici quelques lignes du fichier de logs d'Apache : - - [24/Nov/2013:08:29:08 +0100] "GET /wp-content/themes/thematic/library/scripts/thematic-dropdowns.js HTTP/1.1" 304 216 "" "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/31.0.1650.57 Safari/537.36" - - [24/Nov/2013:08:29:08 +0100] "GET /wp-content/uploads/shadowbox-js/7506d6439ffc1382d8926c9f8b1e3a35.js?ver=3.0.3 HTTP/1.1" 304 216 "" "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/31.0.1650.57 Safari/537.36" - - [24/Nov/2013:08:29:08 +0100] "GET /wp-content/plugins/wpaudio-mp3-player/wpaudio.min.js?ver=3.1 HTTP/1.1" 304 216 "" "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/31.0.1650.57 Safari/537.36" - - [24/Nov/2013:08:29:08 +0100] "GET /wp-includes/js/admin-bar.min.js?ver=3.7.1 HTTP/1.1" 304 216 "" "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/31.0.1650.57 Safari/537.36" - - [24/Nov/2013:08:29:08 +0100] "GET /wp-content/plugins/fitvids-for-wordpress/jquery.fitvids.js?ver=1.0 HTTP/1.1" 304 216 "" "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/31.0.1650.57 Safari/537.36" - - [24/Nov/2013:08:29:08 +0100] "GET /wp-includes/js/wp-ajax-response.min.js?ver=3.7.1 HTTP/1.1" 304 216 "" "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/31.0.1650.57 Safari/537.36" - - [24/Nov/2013:09:21:02 +0100] "GET /wp-content/plugins/wp-minibar/minibar.js?ver=3.7.1 HTTP/1.1" 304 216 "" "Mozilla/5.0 (iPad; U; CPU OS 4_3_3 like Mac OS X; fr-fr) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8J2 Safari/6533.18.5" - - [24/Nov/2013:09:21:03 +0100] "GET /wp-content/plugins/wp-photo-album-plus/wppa.min.js?ver=5-1-18-000 HTTP/1.1" 304 216 "" "Mozilla/5.0 (iPad; U; CPU OS 4_3_3 like Mac OS X; fr-fr) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8J2 Safari/6533.18.5" J'ai remplacé le nom de domaine par pour des raisons de discrétion.J'ai vérifié que c'est bien ce fichier de logs qui est lu par Awstats, et que c'est bien ce fichier de conf qui est pris en compte.Merci.
Ernestine Posté 25 Novembre 2013 Auteur Posté 25 Novembre 2013 C'est bon : j'ai modifié la conf d'Apache de façon à ce que les logs soient enregistrés selon le format combined, ce qui m'a permis de mettre LogFormat=1 pour la conf d'Awstats, et désormais il ressort les statistiques proprement avec les ips. Merci Stéphane, c'est toi qui m'a mise sur la piste du format des logs
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